Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Shameless plug for Girl Scout Cookies...

I will be bringing several boxes of cookies to share. Let me know your favorite and I will bring the "most popular" I know Thin Mints will be one, but there seem to be Peanut Butter crowds and Caramel crowds...Need to know which one you guys are.

But... I have many extra boxes I need to sell (cookie mom...rounding up to full cases).

If you might be interested in any, let me know. I know I have lots of Thin Mints, and Samoas (aka Carmel Delights). Also a few of the Tagalongs (Peanut Butter Patties...cookie and peanut butter covered with chocolate) and Do-Si-Dos (Basic Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies). They are $3.50 per box... They will come with a note from the girls...

I remember the years before the girls were in Scouts, I always wondered where the Girl Scouts were with the cookies. I missed them for several years. So this is not intended to be a hard sell, but a service to those of you who may have missed out on cookie madness in your neighborhoods this year.

Let me know by Thursday am at about 11. That will be the last time I will be checking here or my e-mail.


MegsMama said...

Total weakness...and I'm afraid to admit that I still have a box of thin mints in my freezer from last year! I'm sure you could convince me to buy one there and it will be gone before we get home.

Katie said...

****fingers in ears****

niColeGadE said...

I'm all about the Samoas or whatever they are calling them now!

Nicole said...

I'm one of those that love GS cookies and know no one that sells 'em any more! YIPPEE! I will take two boxes of mints and two boxes of the peanut butter patties (the chocolate covered ones). Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

nancy_scraps said...

I got it, Nicole. Thanks...

Jen said...

Thanks Nancy, but we are up to our armpits in GS cookies here. Jordanne is a scout and we never even finished the ones we ordered last year. Yikes!!!