Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Last Call

for little photos. :)

I have been playing...making little samples...little ideas to get your creativity jumping for your own photo necklace and having so much fun. This is the last call for photos if you want me to do the resizing for you.
The sizes range from about domino size 1.5 x 0.625 inches to teeny tiny 0.4 x 0.4 inches in all different shapes and sizes. So if you are super pressed for time....at least grab a bunch of your index prints because it is really fun to play!

I need your photos by Wed night 8pm (CST) at the latestest so I can get them printed for pick up on my way to the retreat thursday morning. :)

Just remember, inkjet prints won't work.

See you all soon!
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Shameless plug for Girl Scout Cookies...

I will be bringing several boxes of cookies to share. Let me know your favorite and I will bring the "most popular" I know Thin Mints will be one, but there seem to be Peanut Butter crowds and Caramel crowds...Need to know which one you guys are.

But... I have many extra boxes I need to sell (cookie mom...rounding up to full cases).

If you might be interested in any, let me know. I know I have lots of Thin Mints, and Samoas (aka Carmel Delights). Also a few of the Tagalongs (Peanut Butter Patties...cookie and peanut butter covered with chocolate) and Do-Si-Dos (Basic Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies). They are $3.50 per box... They will come with a note from the girls...

I remember the years before the girls were in Scouts, I always wondered where the Girl Scouts were with the cookies. I missed them for several years. So this is not intended to be a hard sell, but a service to those of you who may have missed out on cookie madness in your neighborhoods this year.

Let me know by Thursday am at about 11. That will be the last time I will be checking here or my e-mail.

Shirts are DONE and going into my bags!!

Our shirts are DONE, and going into my bag today!! They turned out really cute!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Soup & Salad Friday

Food glorious food! Since breakfast is covered with our stay and some people are planning on going out on Saturday night we thought we would set up a little plan for Friday Dinner. We will have to wing it for Sunday night!

Some of us WI girls would like to start a little soup and salad dinner for Friday night. We do just need a few more dishes to make the meal complete! Please don't feel obligated, some of us crazy people actually like doing this sort of thing! So sign up here so we have an idea of the variety.

Here is what we have so far:

Potato & White Bean Soup
Chili with yummy toppings

Tex-Mex Layered Salad
Baby Spinach Salad with Cranberries, Gorgonzola & Pecans
Asian Style Salad
Roasted Potato & Veggie Salad with Balsamic Vinegar and Herbs

Tiny Chocolate Ganache Cupcakes

We could also use some Appetizers & Breads! Remember that the kitchen is pretty well stocked with baking and cooking supplies so you can throw something together there too. :)


The Minnesota Girls

Just need a final check with Nancy, but it looks like we are closer than I thought and the MN girls should be there by around 3:30pm Thursday, unless we stop off somewhere along the road. So excited!

Friday, February 22, 2008


5 days. FIVE DAYS!!! I can't believe it.

Count Us IN!

IA girls are leaving at 3pm Thursday and should arrive around 8:30 pm....depending on whose lead foot is behind the wheel. :o)