Monday, February 4, 2008

Two Rooms; my thoughts

I don't know if anyone is planning on setting up the seating for the two crop rooms, but Lisa and I have a request if you do: We think it will be best if we sit in different crop rooms, so we are more likely to get to know new people. Probably the same is true for Nancy, Nancy and I have cropped together MANY times on weekends like this and so maybe she'd enjoy getting to know Lisa more and being in her room.

Just a thought, we want to make sure we get to know you all and when we are together we tend to do the comfortable inside joke thingy which isn't conducive to meeting new folks!

So your thoughts?


latte_grande said...

Well, I totally understand what you mean...since I've never met anyone there, you will ALL be new to me! :)

I'm of course looking forward to spending "IRL" time with the TallyGals I feel I know the "best", but am looking forward to learning more about the rest of you, too. :) I'm just so excited!

Should we just plan to mix it up each day, maybe? Or leave that as an option so there isn't any awkwardness if someone decides to move? Hmmmm....

Cicada said...

Yeah, in my mind I was figuring we'd just let it happen at first and then mix it up after that so we all get a chance to talk to each other. With most of us there for 4 days, we should be able to all see each other plenty, lol!

Mrs Pretzel said...

I don't really have any preference, because I have lots of gals I want to get to know, and I don't plan on scrapping the whole time. I just figured I would wander around. I only have the circle journal books to scrap, and that's not going to take me the whole time, so I won't be taking up that space the whole time. PLUS, I plan to spend a lot of time DRINKING in the kitchen with TopTally!!

itsjustshannon said...

Rachel has a really good point....although there are two crop rooms, the common areas such as the kitchen area which is open into the living room are real nice gathering places in this house. The last time I was here we often spent alot of time chatting in the kitchen.

I hate to say this but I am actually along the same line of Rachel too and that I will get some scrapping done but going mostly to hang out with all of you ladies! Looking forward to getting to know so many of you and spending time with others I already know!

Katie said...

Interesting idea Minda! It would be easy to do a little moving around during the weekend.

One cool thing about this place is that each person has their own little table and we can move them around to any configuration we want. So we can make them all facing each other for max socialibility!!! Is that a word? :) The last time we were at this place everyone seemed to wander in and out of the rooms, chatting and commenting and sharing goodies. It was very comfortable and very casual...even for a bunch of women who didn't have an amazing Tally connection. :)

I can't wait for this!!

ChristyR said...

sounds good. i'm game. my right hand won't be there so...actually my left hand won't be there (she's crazy so she must be a lefter even though she's right handed) so i can have lots of lefters if it's okay with you. I do want to get lots of scrapping done, and chatting, and a few drinks, and eat too, and all kinds of stuff!

Minda said...

Katie, I was looking at the photos and it looks like the two craft rooms are stacked, one on the lower level one on the top?

I'm excited no matter what, can't wait to know you all better!