Saturday, February 2, 2008


Anyone anywhere NEAR Napannee, IN?

We have had an unfortunate cancel... TallyWhacker can't COME!!! BUT latte_grande might be coming in her place, and she is THINKING of driving. Thing is, even though it's only about a 5 hour drive, her hubby would like her to NOT drive it alone. SO anyone near her? THIS is the map quest route. If you are near her, an any direction, and wouldn't mind a carpool, LET HER KNOW!!!


itsjustshannon said...

I took a look and from what I can tell I don't anybody is that direction....Really want you to come though Christi. Tell DH you will only drive in the daylight hours....will that help?

Trisha.....bummed that we won't see you. :(

Katie said...

Awww man...TRICIA!! I was so looking forward to seeing you girl! Punk!

But that's ok! Let's see, there's got to be an easier way to get Christi here!

latte_grande said...

Still trying to convince him that I'm a big girl, lol! I think he's worried about the car breaking down, but I have can make it!

Sorry about Tricia not being able to make it, but hope it's okay if I arrive in her place??

Cicada said...

Oh, so sad about Tricia!! BUT, if we need to replace her I can't think of anybody better than LATTE!

I hope you can convince him Christi...but I understand how he feels...hope you can figure out a solution and get here!!

ChristyR said...

i'm bummed too ladies. so bummed. it's just not the right time and then the other night she got into a car accident, everyone is okay, but it was like icing on the cake. i hate it but am happy that christi is coming! we will have a ball!

Minda said...

I'm so sad about Wacker for Christine's sake, I know she was really looking forward to having some "face time" with her friend. We will all work hard to console her.

That said, I'm pretty darn excited about who is replacing her. I hope Christi's bright spirit helps Christine get over the hump of missing Wacker.