Friday, January 25, 2008


This is the shirt I had made for CHA... the one for the Dells with have THAT information written on it where this shirt says CHA.


MegsMama said...

very fun!

Mrs Pretzel said...

Thanks! I just sent out an email also, saying I think I can get sweatshirts also. Be sure my emails didn't end up in your junk mail!

Katie said...

SO TOTALLY LOVE IT!!!! These things always look so cool on the finished product!

Gotta have one. Large please....I know there is an email somewhere on how to pay you through Pay Pal...I'll go look for that. You rock Rachel!

MegsMama said...

umm, rachel, i need your paypal address....

Mrs Pretzel said...

I actually think you guys will be paying Christine, and I don't know the exact amount yet, so I will be sending an email soon with all that.