Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Hi TallyRally-ers! There's been some updates on our group-- we did have two cancellations, but Shirley decided to join us which was great news!!

For now, we are going to assume we will be able to fill the house and have 18 people total (right now I think we have 17). If we end up being short in the end, we will make up the difference at that time.

Because we are filling the house, we are getting the 18 person rate, which is $2,250. Divided by 18, that is $125 per person for 3 nights: Fri, Sat., and Sunday night ( a really good deal). With tax that comes to 131.87 per person.

Thursday night is different; we will be charged a house rate of $600 for Thursday night. Everyone who stays on Thursday will split the $600 among them. If all 18 of us stay Thursday night, it will be only $36 per person.

When we all pay Blooming Escapes our total, Christine, Amanda, & I will be refunded our deposits, which total $600. We are asking that everyone please pay the retreat directly as soon as possible--preferably by December 15 at the latest. I understand this might be rough with the holidays coming. But we really need to get this done for 2 reasons. First, so that we minimize the risk of last minute cancellations which will impact all of our payment totals. Second, so that those of us who paid a deposit can get that back (for myself, that was $350, which was fine but I could use that back for Christmas shopping!!)

So: checks should be made out to Blooming Escapes for $131.87, and everyone can send it individually. The address is 718 Forest View Dr. Verona, WI 53593. Please just make note with your check that you are with our group under Julie Miller's name. Since some people are undecided at this time about Thursday night, Kerry said that we could pay for Thursday night separately, whenever we get that figured out.

The money part is not easy :( , but in the end we are going to have an amazing time! Christine has some fabulous freebies and prizes in store for us all weekend. We'll be pampered and well fed...and we'll get TONS of scrapping done!

Let Christine or I know if you have questions....hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend! Julie (TSCicada)


MegsMama said...

Thanks Julie! My group will get our checks sent ASAP. Right now we are planning on staying Thursday night but it all depends on what kind of weather we have in February and driving late at night.

itsjustshannon said...

Julie - This looks Fabulous....thank you for all the organizing. I will be mailing a check tomorrow. Thanks again!

Jen said...

Thanks Julie. Really appreciate all your work coordinating this. Will send my check ASAP.

{Shirley} said...

I hope to arrive Thursday but will either need a ride or a taxi to the house.

Is check the only way to pay? Can I call with my credit card?

Thanks for including me, I can't wait!


ChristyR said...

i'm hoping you can call with a cc! there are lots going on Thursday so we can hopefully all catch a ride! Shirley we should coordinate our flights together! I'll email you!

This is going to be a fabulous weekend! So cannot wait to go!

ChristyR said...

You can use a CC if you reserved your room with a CC so I think that leaves just Mandy, me and Julie!

The reason for the cheaper rate is cos it's all under Julie's name so she doesn't have to do individual invoices for everyone. You could always call there though and see what they can do!

Katie said...

My check is in the mail!

Hey Shirley...sooooo excited to meet you ! I am planning on heading up on Thursday too so make sure you girls let me know your plans...if you fly into Madison (MSN) I can most likely pick you up and take you there. The retreat is only about an hour from the airport.

Whoooooooo hoooo!

{Shirley} said...

Awesome Katie! I am going to try to coordinate with Christine and Rachel so we all may arrive at the same time. A ride would be wonderful!


itsjustshannon said...

Julie- I mailed my check yesterday so you can cross me off.

Also if we do end up with a couple spots I do know two people who want to join us if two spots open up. We can wait and see.

Shirley....no worries on the transportation. Both Katie and I live within 15 minutes of Madison airport and we will see that all that arrive there make to our destination!

MegsMama said...

julie, i mailed all 4 IA girls checks today in one envelope with a note for Kerry.